A responsible

CSR charter

As a business, we, Palexpo SA, recognise the social and environmental responsibilities we hold in the context of our business activities. We are committed to adopting a comprehensive and proactive approach to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) so as to make a positive contribution to the economic, social, environmental and sustainable development of the communities in which we operate.
Palexpo SA operates in accordance with its mission and corporate values.

our mission

Generate economic benefits in the region

Raise Geneva’s profile both within Switzerland and around the world

Serve the needs of the Swiss people

Remain financially independent


team spirit

our commitments

We respect human rights

It is important to us that ethical behaviour is at the heart of all that we do. We are committed to respecting human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international labour conventions.

We promote diversity and inclusion

We believe in the value of diversity and inclusion, and we are committed to promoting equal opportunities, non-discrimination, and to creating a work environment where everyone is respected and valued within our company and in our interactions with all stakeholders, regardless of their ethnic origin, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation or physical abilities.

We respect the environment

We are committed to minimising our environmental footprint and to adopting sustainable management practices with regard to natural resources by reducing our energy and water consumption, encouraging recycling, and reducing the amount of waste we produce. We encourage our partners and suppliers to do likewise and adopt environmentally friendly ways of working.

Business ethic

We are committed to conducting our business activities ethically and with integrity, by observing the laws and regulations in force and by avoiding any type of corruption or unfair practices, and by promoting a culture of responsibility and transparency at the heart of our organisation together with our partners, customers and suppliers.

Continuous improvement

We are committed to regular analysis of our CSR performance, to setting measurable objectives and to initiating action plans designed to produce continuous improvements and maximise our positive impact on society and the environment.

our commitments

We respect human rights

It is important to us that ethical behaviour is at the heart of all that we do. We are committed to respecting human rights as set out in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international labour conventions.

We promote diversity and inclusion

We believe in the value of diversity and inclusion, and we are committed to promoting equal opportunities, non-discrimination, and to creating a work environment where everyone is respected and valued within our company and in our interactions with all stakeholders, regardless of their ethnic origin, gender, age, religion, sexual orientation or physical abilities.

We respect the environment

We are committed to minimising our environmental footprint and to adopting sustainable management practices with regard to natural resources by reducing our energy and water consumption, encouraging recycling, and reducing the amount of waste we produce. We encourage our partners and suppliers to do likewise and adopt environmentally friendly ways of working.

Business ethic

We are committed to conducting our business activities ethically and with integrity, by observing the laws and regulations in force and by avoiding any type of corruption or unfair practices, and by promoting a culture of responsibility and transparency at the heart of our organisation together with our partners, customers and suppliers.

Continuous improvement

We are committed to regular analysis of our CSR performance, to setting measurable objectives and to initiating action plans designed to produce continuous improvements and maximise our positive impact on society and the environment.


For organisers :
trust, satisfaction, prioritisation of their interests, a spirit of partnership and a long-term approach to the relationship

For sponsors :
we take their interests into account when putting on the event and provide them with real added value and a long-term relationship.

For exhibitors :
the quality and effectiveness of what we offer, our flexibility, fair treatment for all.

For visitors :
safety during their visit, a relaxed and interesting customer experience, their data is processed ethically and in accordance with strict guidelines.

Continuity, prioritising local actors and healthy competition in line with our mission; fair treatment, integrity and autonomy

To create an environment founded on trust that guarantees their safety and ensures they will be treated fairly and equitably; to ensure everyone is treated with respect; to comply rigorously with the law; to demonstrate kindness and impartiality; to recognise the right to make mistakes; to further the development of every individual; to promote an organisational framework and a healthy work-life balance that considers the needs of private and professional life.

To operate in line with sustainable development principles.

To maintain good and open relations.

To make our infrastructure available to State-run services or interests when our agenda allows it.

By signing this Corporate Social Responsibility Charter, we affirm our commitment to the principles of sustainability, ethics and responsibility, through transparent and authentic communication, in order to work towards the well-being of all our stakeholders and future generations.